Java EE7 Development and Hosting on OpenShift with Wildfly: Part 1

This is the first blog post in a series where I will cover how to build web applications in Java using Java EE 7. Java EE 7 is the latest release of the Java Enterprise Platform, with a focus on HTML 5 and developer productivity.

Java EE 7 introduced five new specifications covering WebSockets (JSR-356), JSON Processing (JSR-353), Batch Applications (JSR-352), Concurrency Utilities (JSR-236), and Caching (JSR-107). Apart from these new specifications, three existing specifications (JAX-RS 2.0JMS 2.0, and EL 3.0) have major updates and a few other specifications have minor updates. We will cover most of these specifications in detail in this blog post series.

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How to Host your Java EE Application with Auto-scaling

OpenShift is an auto-scalable Platform as a Service. Auto-scalable means OpenShift can horizontally scale your application up or down depending on the number of concurrent connections. OpenShift supports the JBoss application server, which is a certified platform for Java EE 6 development. As an OpenShift user, you have access to both the community version of JBoss and JBoss EAP 6(JBoss Enterprise Application Platform) for free. In this blog post, we will learn how to host a scalable Java EE 6 application using a JBoss EAP 6 server cluster running on OpenShift. Read the full blog here

Day 13: DropWizard–The Awesome Java REST Server Stack

I have mainly been a Java guy throughout my 8 years as a software developer. For most of the applications I have written, I used the Spring framework or Java EE. Lately, I am spending time learning web development in Python, and one thing that has impressed me a lot is the Flask framework. The Flask framework is a micro-framework which makes it very easy to write REST backends. Today for my 30 day challenge, I decided to find a Java alternative to Python’s Flask framework. After doing some research, I discovered that the DropWizard framework can help me achieve the same productivity as the Flask framework. In this blog, we will learn how to build a RESTful Java MongoDB application using DropWizard. Read the full blog here

How To Build Real-Time Location-Aware Applications using MongoDB , WebSockets , and HTML 5 GeoLocation API

One of the advantages of OpenShift or any other Platform as a Service is that it gives developers the power to turn their ideas into applications. As a developer, you are only concerned about writing code and the platform manages and scales the underlying infrastructure for you. I am also a developer and I love to write code.

A few days ago, I came up with a very simple idea to show messages in real-time on a map. A user posts a message via the application user interface, the application captures the user’s current location using an HTML5 Geo-location API, and then displays the message on a map. If another user posts a message from some other part of world, the first user will see that same message in real-time. As users start posting messages, they will see all of the messages appearing on the map.

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