Issue #29: 10 Reads, A Handcrafted Weekly Newsletter For Software Developers

The time to read this newsletter is 180 minutes.

Quality is not an act, it is a habit – Aristotle

  1. Your boss is 90% of the ‘Employee Experience’. Nothing else comes close.10 mins read.
  2. How NOT to hire a software engineer10 mins read.
  3. How We Used WebAssembly To Speed Up Our Web App By 20X20 mins read.
  4. Why We Moved from Heroku to Google Kubernetes Engine15 mins read.
  5. We deployed Envoy Proxy to make Monzo faster20 mins read.
  6. Achieving consistency where distributed transactions have failed: 30 mins read.
  7. Scaling Elasticsearch Part 1: How to Speed Up Indexing: 15 mins read.
  8. Five Super Helpful Rust Things That Nobody Told You About: 10 mins read.
  9. Linkerd v2: How Lessons from Production Adoption Resulted in a Rewrite of the Service Mesh: 30 mins read.
  10. 5 Things to Stop Doing When You’re Struggling and Feeling Drained: 20 mins read.

Introducing Chaos Engineering to an Organization

This post explains my learning on how to introduce Chaos Engineering to an organisation. This is based on my experience of re-architecting monolithic application to Microservices based architecture. Microservices architecture style structures an application as a collection of loosely-coupled services. Microservices architecture has many benefits like independent development and deployments of services, eliminate long-term commitment to a technology stack, specialized services built by small teams, and many others. One of the drawbacks of Microservices is that it increases the surface area of failures. You now have to deal with failures related to the interaction between services and system boundaries. Our client was facing issues running their distributed application in a steady state. The issues that we faced were:

  1. Communication failure between services. There was no clear strategy on how to handle network failure between services and how to give proper feedback to the customers of the application.
  2. Difficulty in understanding why the whole application became unavailable when only a single service was down. Is there any single point of failure? These types of issues were not visible with usual testing.
  3. System becoming partially unavailable when the network gets choked.
  4. Unwanted local state leading to system unavailability when one instance of the service dies.
  5. Out of memory errors in production services leading to complete or partial unavailability of the system.
  6. Possible data loss issues as data replication and backup strategies were never tested in real workloads.

Continue reading “Introducing Chaos Engineering to an Organization”

A minimalistic guide to distributed tracing with OpenTracing and Jaeger

If you have ever worked on a distributed application you will know that it is difficult to debug when things go wrong. The two common tools to figure out root cause of the problem are logging and metrics. But the fact of the matter is that logs and metrics fail to give us complete picture of a situation in a distributed system. They fail to tell us the complete story.

If you are building a system using Microservices / Serverless architecture then you are building a distributed system.

Logs fail to give us the complete picture of a request because they are scattered across a number log files and it is difficult to link them together to form a shared context. Metrics can tell you that your service is having high response time but it will not be able to help you easily identify the root cause.

Logging and Metrics are not enough to build observable systems.

Observability is a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs. It helps bring visibility into systems. – Wikipedia

Logs, metrics, and traces are the three pillars of observability. While most software teams use logging and monitoring few of them use traces. Before we look at distributed tracing in depth, let’s define logs, metrics, and traces.

Continue reading “A minimalistic guide to distributed tracing with OpenTracing and Jaeger”

Issue #28: 10 Reads, A Handcrafted Weekly Newsletter For Software Developers

The time to read this newsletter is 175 minutes.

Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life – Mark Twain

Continue reading “Issue #28: 10 Reads, A Handcrafted Weekly Newsletter For Software Developers”