Using wait-for-it with Oracle database docker image

Today, I was working with an application that uses Oracle as the database. We decided dockerize the application to make it easy for fellow developers to work with the beast. We found a working Oracle docker image by sath89. Oracle 12c Docker image is close to 5.7GB on disk so we are not talking about lightweight containers here :). Once image was dowloaded, running image was as easy as running the following command.
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Programmatically Generating Database Schema with Hibernate 5

Today, I was working with a code base that was using Hibernate‘s schema generation facilities to create the database schema for a customer on the fly. The application creates separate database schema for each customer. Then, depending on the client specific identifier it connects to the correct database. This blog will not talk about how you should design your application with multi tenant database. I will cover that in a future post. In this post, I will share the code snippet that helped me generate database schema with Hibernate 5. In this post, I am using MySQL database as an example. The same code snippet should also work with other RDBMS as well.
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What does Being A Traveller mean to me

Since last two years, I have started travelling in a meaningful way. For me travel is not about visiting all the places mentioned in a checklist or going by a fixed plan or doing adventurous sports because it is cool or taking a lot of selfies. I like my travel to be meaningful and enriching experience for both my body and soul. I like to sit in a local cafe, drink a cup of tea, and read a book. Travel to me is long walks around the unknown roads of the city. Travel gives me the opportunity to see the world with a fresh perspective. You learn a lot about city by talking to local shopkeepers and taxi drivers. Continue reading “What does Being A Traveller mean to me”