Deploy WebSocket Web Applications With JBoss Wildfly

Wildfly application server on OpenShift

Wildfly is the new name for the community edition of the JBoss Application Server. The current development version of Wildfly (8.0) will be adding support for Java EE 7. Java EE 7 brings a lot of goodies for Java(EE) developers. One of the features of Java EE 7 is the JSR 356 Java API for WebSockets, which specifies a Java API that developers can use to integrate WebSockets into their applications — both on the server side as well as on the Java client side. In case you are new to WebSockets or JSR 356, please refer to my earlier blog post on this subject. In this blog post, we will install Wildfly on OpenShift using the DIY cartridge and look at the sample WebSocket application bundled with the quickstart.

OpenShift already has best in class Java support with Tomcat 6Tomcat 7JBoss AS7, and JBoss EAP 6 bundled with it. You can also run Jetty or GlassFish on it using the DIY cartridges. In addition, OpenShift provides support for Jenkins continuous integration server.

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