7 Days with Java 8

I am maintaining this series on Github now https://github.com/shekhargulati/java8-the-missing-tutorial so please refer to it.

From last year or so I am learning Java 8 and trying to adapt to functional way of thinking. I have used Java 8 in few projects and given few talks. To take my learning to the next level, I decided to share my learning as a blog series with fellow developers, who want to learn Java 8 and remain relevant to the new paradigm shift — functional paradigm. In November 2013, I wrote a popular blog series 30 Technologies in 30 Days in which I blogged about a new technology everyday. The goal was to learn something new every day, build a small app with it, and finally publish a blog. It was a very good experience but I felt it would be more beneficial for the community if I focus on one topic and write about that. So, I decided to start a new initiative 7 Days with X in which I will learn a new technology in depth for a month and then blog about it continuously for 7 days.

Java 8 is not a new topic anymore. There are many good books published on it. Still I meet many Java developers unaware of the power of Java 8. The goal of this blog series is to cover some of the most important Java 8 features and how they can help developers in their day to day programming.

In 7 Days with Java 8 blog series, you will learn about following topics:

  1. 25th July 2015Day 1: Lambdas
  2. 26th July 2015 — Day 2: Streams
  3. 27th July 2015 — Day 3: Collector
  4. 28th July 2015 — Day 4: Optional
  5. 22nd August 2015 — Day 5: Interfaces
  6. 25th October 2015 — Day 6: Date-Time API

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